Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Closing Remarks

Dearest Pals,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you now.  This is my last official post for my ENGL 210 class, Introduction to Contemporary Poetry.  Throughout the semester I've often had to change what I thought was the title of our class.  Beginning with "Intro to Literature," and ending up at "Intro to Contemporary Poetry" may not seem like that big of a shift, but it was an enlightening journey through a world of poetry I had never been immersed in before.  My poetry background being rather limited, I didn't quite know what to expect out of a course entirely devoted to poetry.  I've learned that poetry is a constantly changing art form that can adapt to any situation it is used in.  Poetry has survived for as long as it has because of its ability to "make it new."  By the end of our class I really did appreciate the theme of "Make it new."  Poets can make it new with poetry through freedom of expression.  Poetry is a difficult to master tool, but honing it proves fruitful.

Through exposure to and discussion of poetry in this class, I've become much more confident in my analysis of poetic works.  I certainly cannot pick up on every little aspect of of Eliot's "The Wasteland," but I can make much more progress in deciphering than I could have at the beginning of the semester.

Perhaps one day I will post again on this blog.  It is a self-indulgent pleasure to post one's musings for others to read, and I may not be able to resist the temptation to post.  I hope you've enjoying being a pal of the blog, and I encourage you to keep the party going on your own!

Yours truly,


1 comment:

  1. John, I've enjoyed your Poetry Party, and am glad to hear that the course kept a physics major challenged;-) You've done a great job of weaving things together--as Eliot says, "these fragments have I shored against my ruins," or something to that effect. Keep writing, reading and inventing--hope to hear more from you soon.
